TECT Community Awards moves to online-only event

The TECT Community Awards ceremony, scheduled to take place on Thursday 17th March at Baycourt, has been cancelled with the recent move to the red traffic light setting.

With a 100-person capacity of the event at this setting, TECT Marketing and Communications Manager Laura Thomson-Bache says the move to an online-only event would ensure the community’s safety.

“In light of the government announcement last month regarding Omicron being in our community, the TECT team and trustees have made the decision to cancel the in-person ceremony for the TECT Community Awards.

“Ensuring the health and safety of our community is paramount, and we will therefore be running the event online only.

“We are currently in the process of showcasing our finalists on our Facebook, Instagram and website. It’s great that we can still share the incredible work being done in our region by such a broad range of volunteers, young people, and community groups, and we hope the community enjoys being a part of that by watching online.”

The TECT Community Awards are taking place online, with a finalist video published each weekday until Friday 11th March.

Winners from each category will be announced every weekday from Thursday 17th March.

Everyone can be a part of the awards by liking the TECT Facebook page to watch the finalist and winner videos.

Laura says an exciting part of the awards is the People’s Choice Award, which is now open for voting.

“The public can vote for their favourite finalist online; whether it’s a community group that has helped them personally or a volunteer they know who deserves some recognition.

“The votes are coming in fast, and it’s fantastic to see the community’s engagement with the awards.”

To vote in the People’s Choice Award and to read about the finalists, visit https://www.tect.org.nz/peoples-choice-award/.

To learn more about the TECT Community Awards, visit https://www.tect.org.nz/community-awards-2022/.


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