1. Who can apply for funding?

Your organisation must be a non-profit entity, such as a registered charity, incorporated society or a school.

TECT will consider applications from organisations who are in the process of applying for charitable status. In some circumstances TECT may consider applications from groups that operate independently but come under the umbrella of a qualifying organisation.

2. Does our group need to be a Trustpower customer to apply for TECT funding?


3. Can organisations based outside of Tauranga/Western Bay of Plenty apply to TECT for funding?

Applications will be considered to the extent that they provide a benefit to TECT beneficiaries in the Western Bay of Plenty district.

4. What kind of things do you fund?

  • Community Facilities: Funding in this category is targeted towards the build of a new facility or the purchase/significant upgrade of an existing facility. The facility must have significant community benefit. Examples include new buildings, halls, sports centres, playgrounds.

  • Community Development: Funding is targeted towards supporting the work of community organisations, projects and programmes that have a positive impact on the Western Bay of Plenty and Tauranga communities. Examples include capital equipment, operating costs, one-off projects, and programmes. 

  • Community Events: applications for small to medium community-led events are now being received through the Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund, a partnership between TECT, Acorn Foundation, BayTrust, Tauranga City Council, and WBOP District Council. Learn more and apply here. Applications for large events, such as City Flagship Events and new events of national or international significance, will still be submitted directly to TECT on a monthly basis. Please contact our office for further clarification.

5. How much funding can we apply for?

This depends on the total cost of the project and which fund you are applying under. TECT policies determine the level of funding we can provide; please talk to our staff about what would be a realistic expectation. You can give us a call on 07 578 5094 or email us at info@tect.org.nz.

6. What do we need to do to apply?

TECT receives funding applications online through SmartyGrants, an online application system. Get started here. If you are a first-time applicant, please contact us prior to applying at 07 578 5094. If you have any questions about the application form or process, please give us a call or email.

7. What supporting documents do I need to attach?

  • Bank deposit slip or bank statement in the name of your organisation.
  • Documents that support your application detail that aren’t available on the Charities Commission website such as your annual operating budget, project quotes, and draft annual accounts.

8. How many times can we apply for funding a year?

You can apply every once every 12 months, regardless of which fund you are applying to.

9. I don’t know if I have the correct information in my application. Can you help?

Yes, absolutely. Our team are very happy to work through the application with you. Please give us a call on 07 578 5094 or email us at info@tect.org.nz.

10. What don’t you fund?

  • Other funders
  • Where funds will be passed onto another organisation
  • Uniforms
  • Lobby groups
  • Retrospective purchases or events
  • Loan payments or repayment of debt
  • Individuals, commercial organisations or informal groups
  • Overseas aid
  • Repairs and maintenance

11. Who else can we apply to for funding?

There are numerous other funding sources available.

12. When are your funding rounds?

  • Community Facilities – 1st April and 1st September. Applications for less than $50K can be submitted in any month.

  • Community Development – first of every month.

  • Community Events – first of every month

  • Please note there is no decision meeting in January – applications submitted in the 1st December funding round will be considered by trustees in February.

13. How long does it take from applying to find out if we are successful?

Generally, you will receive an outcome within seven weeks from the date that funding round closes.

14. How do we receive the funds once the application is successful?

Generally, grant funding is paid on completion of the activity or project. Your funding offer and agreement will outline how your grant will be paid.

15. What can we do to show recognition for the TECT funding we received?

To ensure the community is aware of the distributions we are making to great community groups such as yourselves, you can recognise TECT and the funding you have received through different marketing platforms.

TECT branding can be used on your website, social media posts, email signature, newsletters, on building signage and event signage. You can download the TECT logo here.

You can also book out TECT branded resources such as gazebos, flags and banners for your events here.

If you would like any assistance putting your TECT branded collateral together, please get in touch with our Communications Coordinator Kelsey at kelsey@tect.org.nz.

Apply for funding

Our funding works to support the people, places and projects making a difference in our community. We have a number of different funding schemes to assist community organisations with their initiatives.

At the heart of our community

TECT is a nationally recognised trust leading the way in community funding and support. We aim to make a significant impact, shaping the quality of life and wellbeing of those living in the Western Bay of Plenty now and for generations to come.


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